Daedalus at COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Sydney, Australia, 28 January–4 February 2021:

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The following Daedalus-related presentations will be featured at the 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly: An overview and the status of Daedalus will be presented at Session C0.2: “Advances in Remote Sensing of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere from the Ground and from Space, including Sounding Rockets and Multi-Instrument Studies“, an event that provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of novel instruments and techniques for exploring the middle and upper atmospheres and ionospheres of the Earth and planets. Furthermore, the status of Daedalus’ Mission Definition and results from the Daedalus Mission Performance Demonstration will be presented at scientific session C1.2: “The Coupled Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System and the Impact of Solar and Geomagnetic Storms on Geospace”